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Alpha Lipoic Acid for Hair Growth & Hair Health: Benefits & Research

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid: Discovered in 1951, alpha-lipoic acid is an organic and important compound found in all human cells. It is a natural antioxidant made by the body. Alpha-lipoic acid is created within the mitochondrion – the powerhouse of cells – and its main purpose is to help enzymes turn nutrients into usable energy. Is alpha-lipoic acid good for hair loss? Today, alpha-lipoic acid benefits for hair are being studied, with some positive findings to show.

More so, alpha-lipoic acid is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into simpler sugars for the body to use. It is also full of antioxidants and helps block enzymes and other biological processes connected to fading hairline, hair loss, and more to sustain healthy and normal hair growth. More so, due to alpha-lipoic acid’s powerful protective antioxidants, alpha-lipoic acid is now being studied further for protection against future hair loss and to prevent other forms of hair damage which result from aging.

Health Benefits of Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Avocado is a great source of alpha-lipoic acid for hair growth and hair health.

Alpha-lipoic acid is both water and fat-soluble, which allows it to work in every cell or tissue within the body, making its health benefits holistic and wide-ranging for the whole body. This ability to be both fat-soluble and water-soluble is unique, particularly to alpha-lipoic acid, making it a special molecule. More so, alpha-lipoic acid is full of antioxidants, a necessary molecule in helping the body cope and reduce strains of aging. Some of the amazing health benefits of alpha-lipoic acid include:

  • Prevent aging
  • Fight cancer formation
  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce oxidative stress
  • Slow down skin and hair aging
  • Improve nerve function
  • Improve weight loss
  • Slow down memory loss

The human body can produce alpha-lipoic acid on its own, but only in small amounts. Therefore it is necessary to include alpha-lipoic acid as part of our diets to maximize its health benefits for the body and the hair.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits for Hair Growth

Regarding hair loss, Alpha-Lipoic Acid can help prevent the further receding of the hairline by acting as an antioxidant and blocking enzymes that threaten our hair’s roots in general. To understand alpha-lipoic acid’s benefits for hair loss, it is important to understand its role as an antioxidant and its work with enzymes. Due to these factors, alpha-lipoic acid benefits for hair can potentially help stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss.

Antioxidant Properties of Alpha-Lipoic Acid for Hair Maintenance and Hair Health

As mentioned before, alpha-lipoic acid is possibly useful for hair growth, hair thickness, hair sheen, and general hair health due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammation properties. Yet, it goes further than that to aid hair growth.

While being an antioxidant, Alpha-lipoic acid also enhances the antioxidant effects of other antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E. This, as well as its ability to be both soluble in water and fat, makes alpha-lipoic acid a “universal antioxidant.

Due to alpha-lipoic acid’s ability to dissolve in both lipids and water, ALA is capable of “exerting its antioxidant effects both inside the cell as well as between cells.” Because of this, alpha-lipoic acid is a considerably powerful antioxidant that can help prevent the consequences of aging, such as hair loss or a loss in hair health. Alpha-lipoic acid’s benefits for hair loss can best be summarized in its ability to prevent the effects of aging on hair, as well as the rest of the body.

In summary, most antioxidant damage from aging happens both inside and between the cell – alpha-lipoic acid is one of the few antioxidants that can help repair damages in both of these areas. Therefore, alpha-lipoic acid benefits for hair are potentially viable as alpha-lipoic acid is worth considering as a powerful antioxidant to help mediate the damages of hair loss due to aging or other oxidative stresses.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Anti-Inflammation Effects for Hair Health

More so, besides helping reduce oxidative stress to hair, alpha-lipoic acid can also be used for hair health due to its anti-inflammation properties.

More precisely, alpha-lipoic acid prevents the production of cytokines, which is a crucial substance seen in inflammation. This is particularly important because some types of hair loss, such as some forms of alopecia, are caused by inflammation.

Due to this ability and alpha-lipoic acid’s several roles across multiple pathways that also reduce inflammation, alpha-lipoic acid can be used to possibly help fight inflammation that may happen in hair follicles to help reduce hair loss.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Effects on Cell Metabolism for Hair Growth

Additionally, alpha-lipoic acid is also effective in boosting cell metabolism. By having a higher cell metabolism, the body burns energy and waste faster, leading to a faster overall body metabolism – this is part of why alpha-lipoic acid has been studied and considered for its weight loss effects. Yet, this health benefit also branches to hair health: by boosting the metabolic rate of cells, the body can provide more nutrients, energy, and more to cells that need it, and it also allows certain cells or areas, such as the scalp and hair, to receive the necessary nutrients it needs for optimal hair health and hair growth.

Further Evidence: Alpha-Lipoic Acid for Hair Growth Study

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Chemical Structure: due to it being both lipid and water soluble, alpha-lipoic acid is known as a “universal antioxidant” with powerful antixodative properties.

In a 2011 study published in Surgery Today, researchers conducted a study to evaluate alpha-lipoic acid’s possible use for hair growth – specifically in the case of chemotherapy-induced alopecia in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

In this study, sodium zinc dihydrolipoylhistidinate (DHLHZn), a “new derivative of alpha-lipoic acid,” was used on Wistar rats (8 days old) treated with cytosine arabinoside (a substance used to induce chemotherapy-induced alopecia) (AraC; 20 mg/kg by daily intraperitoneal injection; days 0-6) and DHLHZn (0%, 0.5%, or 1% topically applied in a white petrolatum base; days 0-12).

The results of the study show that rats treated with 0% DHLHZn cream exhibited complete hair loss – but rats treated with 0.5% or 1% DHLHZn had “significantly reduced chemotherapy-induced hair loss.” Specifically, the rats that did not receive any alpha-lipoic acid had the “hair root, and hair shaft disappears, as well as an increase in inflammatory cells,” but the rats that received the alpha-lipoic acid derivative had fewer inflammatory cells and an increase in hair root and hair shaft numbers. The analysis revealed that the inflammatory response which induces hair loss in chemotherapy patients could effectively be reduced or subdued with sufficient attenuation by DHLHZn, a derivative of alpha-lipoic acid.

In conclusion, the findings show that alpha-lipoic acid and its derivatives can help recover hair growth in chemotherapy-induced alopecia.

Recommended Dosage of Alpha-Lipoic Acid for Hair Growth

It is recommended to take between 400 – 800 mg of alpha-lipoic acid every day for general hair health.

For adults, 200 – 2400 mg of alpha-lipoic acid is a safe range to take. Anything above this dosage can lead to potentially unwanted side effects.

It is important to note that alpha-lipoic acid’s effectiveness for hair growth can be maximized by combining its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties with saw palmetto due to saw palmetto’s effectiveness as a DHT blocker – a compound that can damage hair follicles. In summary, combining alpha-lipoic acid’s anti-inflammatory properties with saw palmetto’s DHT-blocking properties can help maximize each other’s effect on hair growth. To maximize alpha-lipoic acid’s benefits for hair loss, combined with saw palmetto, you can try our naturally formulated Dr.UGRO Gashee Oral Supplements, which has an optimized dosage of both alpha-lipoic acid and saw palmetto, as well as a combination of other ingredients, to help maximize hair health.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Safety Profile

According to the EWG, alpha-lipoic acid scores a 1 on the EWG safety score sheet, which states that alpha-lipoic acid poses no risks for cancer, developmental or reproductive toxicity, nor any allergies nor immunotoxicity.

Alpha-lipoic acid is part of many cosmetics, cleansers, and other skin products for beauty due to its natural antioxidant properties, and with recent studies of alpha-lipoic acid being possibly connected to hair growth, alpha-lipoic acid is making its way towards use in hair care products as well.

Side Effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid

Generally, doctors consider alpha-lipoic acid to be safe for most people, with little to no risk of side effects. Mild side effects of taking alpha-lipoic acid may include:

  • Nausea
  • Rashes
  • Itching

It is important to note that these side effects are not common and generally only appear if you take alpha-lipoic acid in extremely high dosages.

According to studies, adults may take up to 2,400 milligrams of alpha-lipoic acid without any severe side effects. There is not enough evidence to support any beneficial effects in taking alpha-lipoic acid in higher dosages, so it is not recommended to do so.

As always, it is recommended to first talk to your healthcare provider to see if supplementing yourself with alpha-lipoic acid is a good step towards your health.

Possible Interactions of Alpha-Lipoic Acid

When taking alpha-lipoic acid, be aware of these possible interactions with alpha-lipoic acid supplements:

  • Diabetes Medications
  • Chemotherapy Medications
  • Thyroid Medications (Levothyroxine)
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Follow the link here for a complete list of possible interactions with alpha-lipoic acid.

Harness The Plant-Based Power of Dr.UGro All-Natural GASHEE Oral Hair Supplements, Infused with Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid, saw palmetto, and a range of other ingredients essential to hair growth are among the many powerful, all-natural, and plant-based ingredients found in Dr.UGro Gashee Oral Hair Supplements. Gashee Oral Supplements have been carefully formulated with the most effective dosage of alpha-lipoic acid and other minerals and ingredients to help maximize alpha-lipoic acid’s effects on your hair growth and hair health.

To help increase the feel and appearance of hair density, thickness, and volume, or to help regrow hair loss or aid hair growth, take 4 capsules a day.

VIDEO: Before & After Results of Alpha-Lipoic Acid Infused Hair Supplement

Bernadette, one of Dr.UGRO’s many satisfied patients, first came in for a consultation because, for years, she noticed that her hair was falling out. Bernadette reported bald patches on the back of her head, as well as chunks of hair that fell out in the shower or whenever she combed her hair. She, like many others who were looking for a solution to her hair health, had tried many different hair growth products, but many of these did not work to her satisfaction. Fortunately, after trying many hair growth products that did not work, Bernadette came upon Dr.UGro Gashee’s natural hair care products – and tried them – with excellent results.

And so continues Bernadette’s story. After several months of Gashee all-natural hair growth oral supplements, Bernadette was able to grow back her hair and now reports that she is “so thrilled” to “have seen results” for her hair, shown below. More so, Bernadette says that she has “tried other [hair growth products],” but Dr.UGro Gashee products were the only ones that had “worked” for her, and gave her the results and satisfaction she so desired.

All in all, Bernadette was wholly “elated” that she was able to enjoy her “natural, God-given hair,” filling in her hair with the natural thickness she had before.

Dr. UGRO Gashee: Before & After Pictures – Improved Hair Health Results

Below you can see before and after images of Dr. UGro Gashee all-natural hair growth results, before and after several months of consistent usage.

Note the overall improved fullness, length, texture, sheen, and shine of her overall hair health. Using many of the natural ingredients carefully formulated and cold-extracted from Dr.UGRO Gashee’s Oral Supplements, Bernadette was able to make her hair come alive, with a sheen and shine that really took her hair to the next level.

If you are interested in improving your hair health or looking for possible natural alternative solutions to hair loss or other forms of alopecia, try Dr.UGRO GASHEE Natural Hair Topicals or Supplements now to see and experience what the power of natural products can do for you!

Hair Improvement before and after several months of Alpha-Lipoic acid-containing supplement Gashee*

Related Articles on Hair Loss & Hair Health

For additional information regarding hair loss and hair health ingredients that you may find useful, check out the articles below.


  1. Healthline. 2021. 75 characters or less, clickable, don’t use colons. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
  2. 2021. Alpha-lipoic acid: Benefits and side effects. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
  3. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
  4. Hagiwara, S., Uchida, T., Koga, H., Inomata, M., Yoshizumi, F., Moriyama, M., Kitano, S. and Noguchi, T., 2021. The α-Lipoic acid derivative sodium zinc dihydrolipoylhistidinate reduces chemotherapy-induced alopecia in a rat model: A pilot study.
  5. 2021. Aderans Company Limited | Research & Development | Aderans Research & Development | Research and development of alpha-lipoic acid derivatives which inhibit anticancer medication-induced alopecia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
  6. Associates, D., 2021. Alpha Lipoic Acid and Beautiful Skin – by Dr. Tomasello – Boston MA. [online] New England Center for Hair Restoration. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
  7. 2021. Alpha-lipoic acid: Benefits and side effects. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
  8. EWG. 2021. EWG Skin Deep® | What is ALPHA LIPOIC ACID. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
  9. Mount Sinai Health System. 2021. Alpha-lipoic acid Information | Mount Sinai – New York. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 November 2021].
Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD

Sanusi Umar MD, FAAD is a board certified Dermatologist by the American board of dermatologists. Before then he was board certified by the American board of internal medicine. He is on faculty at both UCLA and Harbor-UCLA dermatology divisions. He is the head of the scalp and hair disorders section of the Harbor-UCLA where he teaches dermatology residents. Dr Umar has published several articles in peer review journals in the field of dermatology and the subject of hair disorders and management in general. His areas of research include hair loss treatment using natural non pharmaceutical methods, acne keloidalis nuchae, novel hair loss treatment pathways as well as in the field of hair transplantation where he pioneered the follicular unit excision - FUE methods of hair surgery, body hair transplantation and African hair type transplantation. He holds several patents both in the United states and worldwide. He is the owner of Dr U Hair and Skin Clinic, Finetouch Laboratories Inc which is the maker of an all natural hair health product line as well as Dr U Devices Inc which is a maker of FUE hair transplantation and other surgery devices

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